The impact of chiropractic care on sporting performance
It goes without saying that the state of your body will affect how you perform, particularly if you are an athlete. Structure dictates function, and better structures will give better chance at functioning at a higher level.
We have seen that effective and timely chiropractic care can play a key role in the successful preparation for athletic events and can aid recovery afterwards.
Providing chiropractic care for local athletes
At ProHealth Chiropractic we are very keen to help sportsmen and women improve their performance. Through our innovative Sponsored Athlete Programme we give a number of local athletes the opportunity to access our chiropractic services free of charge.
We use FMS and SFMA to assess the athletes level and identify limitations to essential simple movements before working out the best way to move forward.
You do not need to be in pain or have previously experienced pain to be part of our program.